Statement: |
All products showed here are replicas NOT being represented as the original one.They can be used for entertainment, |
education or novelty purpose only.Although the details looks like the original one,they have no relationship and this does |
not mean to damage the brands mentioned in any way.To buy original one from an official dealer was strongly |
recommended.By visiting from this website, you declare to have read and agree with all the above items in detail. |
Order procedure: |
1.Select your preferred items from our on-line catalogue and let us know the Item No and quantity you need. |
2.We send you order form for your confirmation after getting your order information. |
3.Send the payment to us. |
4.We will send the watches within 1 or 2 working days after receiving your payment. |
5.Tracking number given to buyers once the watches are sent out,with which the buyers can check the order status online. |
6.Give us feedback when you get the watches. |
Resending policy: |
If the shipping cause damage or functional problems, we will be happy to accept a return.The following is the details: |
1.Outer Broken i.e. glass, hands dropping, etc.We will Resend the watch(es) in your next order. |
2.Fittings Broken i.e. Boxes, straps, bracelets, bands, etc.We will Resend the accessory in your next order. |
3.Functional Problems i.e. Speed slowing down, calendar unworkable, etc.we will Resend watch(es) in your next order. |
4.More information please contact us. |
Note:Please take photoes of watches if it have any problem or the shipping cause damage and then send them to us so |
we can confirm the problem decide how to resolve the problem. |